MBF Therapeutics signs exclusive option agreement for UNC proprietary checkpoint inhibitors and vaccine delivery technology

July 30, 2019 – Ambler, PA – MBF Therapeutics (MBFT), the leader in the development of DNA-based immunotherapeutic checkpoint inhibitor vaccines for the animal health market, announces that it has signed an exclusive option agreement with the University of North Carolina to evaluate UNC’s checkpoint inhibitor traps and calcium phosphate nanoparticle delivery system to evaluate in combination with MBFT’s proprietary immunomodulating technologies to create advanced immunotherapeutic treatments for cancer and infectious diseases in animal health.

“We are very excited to evaluate UNC’s technology because we believe it will enable us to further enhance our leadership position in the development of gene-based check point inhibitor technology for cancer and infectious disease vaccines and provide the company with an advanced non-viral delivery system that we believe will provide a highly effective means of delivering our innovative products,” said Thomas Tillett, CEO of MBF Therapeutics.

Checkpoint inhibitors have revolutionized the field of immunotherapy for human health. MBF Therapeutics is building a portfolio of checkpoint inhibitors and immunomodulators to translate these advances to the field of veterinary medicine to create effective and durable immunotherapeutic vaccines for animal health.